(Yes, April.) As a rule, I almost never make predictions. It seldom pays. It’s so much easier to be wrong about the future than right. However, a combination of factors—ongoing conditions, significant anniversaries, and past predictions—make me somber concerning this coming April, even though they only constitute circumstantial (indirect) evidence. I won’t blame anyone for laughing it off. And I hope I’m completely wrong.
The Potential for Civil Strife
April is the first “warm season” month. Just as great armies have historically waited for winter’s end to begin campaigns, spring is the ideal time to commence a long period of rioting and violence. January through March is generally too cold for that.
Why do I discuss rioting? Over 10 million illegal immigrants entered the U.S. under Biden. The majority, as in Europe, are young males of military recruiting age. Illegals outnumber the U.S. military six to one. Although I have seen a few MAGA people say on social media that it will be easy to deport them, I can’t agree.
Massachusetts, Colorado, Illinois, New York and other “blue states” have vowed to resist deportation of illegal immigrants by the Trump administration. This portends a very ugly situation that may border on civil war. Will Democratic governors conceal the aliens? Will they order their police—and perhaps even their National Guards—not to cooperate with, or even interfere with, federal authorities?
One can easily imagine a situation comparable to the George Floyd riots of 2020. Backed by George Soros, Black Lives Matter and Antifa might start burning down cities to protest deportations as “racist.” In this, they would probably be joined by many illegal immigrants themselves, who would want to keep all the freebies they get from American taxpayers. (In fact, some migrants are already staging mass protests.) The riots might be exacerbated by a “George Floyd” type of incident—such as ICE killing an innocent-looking illegal, with massive coverage by TV networks featuring him (or her) as the “poster child” of deportation’s alleged cruelty.
Other factors might compound the situation. The U.S. deficit keeps soaring, with payments on the debt now the second biggest item in the federal budget—even exceeding defense allocations. As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said during his campaign:
Inflation and job losses are much greater than government reports admit, even though Blackrock and Vanguard have sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average to dizzying new heights.
Debt is a boulder hanging from America’s neck. Paying interest produces nothing—neither goods nor services. Unchecked—as Kennedy noted—interest on the federal debt would eventually rise to 100% of the government budget, meaning no funds would be left for anything else. An economic crash would inevitably occur long before that percentage was reached. Without drastic reforms, a collapse is a foregone conclusion. I mention this in the context of rioting, because a simultaneous economic collapse would significantly exacerbate civil strife.
A few months ago, I met with a friend who is among the best writers I know in alternative media. He has a previous background in U.S. military intelligence. He is also a very devout Christian who has devoted much of his life to charitable work, and is someone whom I trust. I asked him when he thought the economic collapse would occur. He predicted, correctly, that Trump would be elected President, and he believed that the long-awaited crash would occur on his watch so that it could be blamed on “conservatives,” even though it has been a ticking time bomb ever since the 1913 Federal Reserve Act gave the government the means of unlimited spending, debt, and inflation.
Another friend, who is a “truther” and works for one of America’s largest investment firms, told me that after a long string of Jewish Federal Reserve governors (Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen), he believed Jerome Powell was selected to head the Fed so that the crash would occur on a “goy’s” watch.
If an economic collapse happened concurrently with immigration riots, a “perfect storm” could happen if they also coincided with Klaus Schwab’s predicted cyber attack:
On July 19, 2024, the largest global IT outage in history occurred, causing massive disruption of services. Although blamed on a faulty software update from the cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike, many in alt media believe it was a trial run for the “comprehensive cyber-attack” Schwab has been warning about.
With supply chain breakdowns and empty supermarket shelves, the power grid down, and phone calls to police and fire departments disrupted, rioting and chaos could reach levels beyond catastrophic.
The violence could reach a point where Trump might declare martial law. And with it would go due process and our Constitution.
Significant Dates Coincide
While I am not “into numerology,” there is one day that particularly concerns me this year: April 19, seemingly a favorite date for policy disasters and false flags. Franklin D. Roosevelt announced he was taking America off the gold standard on April 19, 1933. The Waco holocaust, killing 76 Branch Davidians, including at least 20 children, occurred on April 19, 1993. April 19 will also be the 30th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, which took 168 lives in 1995. According to former Senior Special FBI Agent Ted Gunderson, the bombing was intended to foment Patriot Act legislation, and its failure to do so helped prompt the September 11 attacks.
April 19 and September 11 are almost mirrors of each other on the calendar, September 11 falling 111 days before December 31, and April 19 falling 109 days after, 110 in leap years.
But there is one anniversary on April 19 that troubles me most. It will be the exact 250th anniversary of the “shot heard round the world,” fired at approximately 5 AM on April 19, 1775, in Lexington Massachusetts, the town I grew up in.
I have extensively vetted the Battle of Lexington for what it was: not a patriotic event, but a Freemasonic false flag. It ignited not only the Revolutionary War, but the commencement of the New World Order in earnest. The war was not really about Americans versus Brits—it was about Freemasonry against monarchy, just one phase of the overall globalist plan.
America began with a bang. Will its demise also start with one?
Scottish historian Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813) is famous for having predicted that democracies can only last about 200 years. Here is quote from him, which, although disputed as to its authenticity, seems accurate in principle:
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.1
Tytler’s prediction would seem to fit pretty neatly with a 250-year cycle for America.
Perhaps America would have collapsed by its 200th anniversary, with the end of the Vietnam War in April 1975, had it not been for the Federal Reserve’s elastic currency—something Tytler would not have foreseen—propping up the United States for an extra 50 years so that it could fight wars on Israel’s behalf, with the “War on Terror” replacing the Cold War.
Speaking of multiples of 50, there seem to have been a number of 50-year oaths of secrecy associated with America’s founding, which might conceivably help explain why we were, perhaps, granted an additional 50 years.
Much of the American republic’s history is surprisingly shrouded. All the men who partook in the Boston Tea Party swore a 50-year oath of silence.2 This is why no participant published a description of it until George Hewes’s memoir in 1834.
In my post The Secrets Buried at Lexington Green, we explored the fact that Americans firing shots at Lexington was also kept publicly secret until 50 years after the event.
Was there also a 50-year oath of silence regarding the Declaration of Independence, which I have written on as actually being the work of Thomas Paine? Thomas Jefferson dropped no hint of authorship for 45 years. Finally, in 1821 he recalled:
The committee were J. Adams, Dr. Franklin, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston & myself. . . . The committee for drawing the declaration of Independence desired me to do it. It was accordingly done, and being approved by them, I reported it to the house on Friday the 28th of June when it was read and ordered to lie on the table.7
“It was accordingly done” is not a very emphatic claim to authorship. If there was a 50-year oath of silence associated with the Declaration, it might be noteworthy that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson—second and third Presidents of the United States, and who had been on the Declaration’s drafting committee—both died on the exact day the oath would have expired: July 4, 1826.
The Coming of the 19th
Massachusetts’ own “Patriots’ Day” celebration of “the shot heard round the world”—a reenactment of the event’s official story, will not fall on the 19th this year, but on Monday, April 15—somewhat ironic, since it’s also “tax day” in America, and the Revolution was allegedly fought over taxes. April 15 will also be the anniversary of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, and the 160th anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on Good Friday, 1865, the subject of my most recent book.
However, there is something more worrying to me—what comes the day after April 19 this year? On April 20, Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox will all celebrate Easter. This is unusual, as Orthodox usually celebrate Easter (Pascha) on a different date. Last year, for example, Protestants and Catholics celebrated on March 31, but Orthodox not until May 5.
An enormous false flag event on April 19 could give Trump—or the Deep State, if one prefers—the opportunity to cancel Easter services for all denominations “for the public safety,” something Kamala Harris could not get away with. It is to remembered that Easter services were generally suspended in 2020 under Trump, following guidelines set by the CDC and White House—something Hillary Clinton couldn’t have gotten away with either, as Pastor Chuck Baldwin insightfully pointed out.
Easter is Christianity’s most important holiday, commemorating the Resurrection of Christ. It is undoubtedly the holiday that Satan and his demonic minions despise most.
If a major false flag occurred on April 19, it would still allow, on April 18, Good Friday services, marking Christ’s crucifixion—which some Satanists, especially those who disbelieve in the Resurrection, mistakenly regard as a “victory over Christ.” Many Christian scholars think the crucifixion occurred in 33 AD, and I have seen it said this is why Freemasonry made 33 its highest degree.
(Correction to the above passage: I errantly said Massachusetts will celebrate Patriots’ day this year on the 15th. It will actually be on the 21st. The 15th will, of course, still be tax day, and the anniversaries of the Lincoln assassination and the Boston Marathon bombing. But Patriots’ Day festivities will be slated for the 21st, the day after Easter, so these too would likely be canceled if a disaster or major false flag occurred on the 19th.)
Other Timing Correlations
As is somewhat well-known in alternative media circles, in 1988 Dr. Lawrence Dunegan recorded his recollections of an off-the-record speech given by Dr. Richard Day—future medical director of Planned Parenthood—at a 1969 meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society. Dr. Day described a “New World System” or “World Totalitarian Government” that would take over America in the future. He made numerous predictions, many of which have come true, some of which have not. You can find a transcript of Dr. Dunegan’s recollections here.
I bring it up because Day predicted the New World Order would come into being over a weekend. Dunegan recalled:
The bringing in of the new system he said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning, when everybody wakened, there would be an announcement that the New System was in place.
Of course, April is not the winter.
But what is perhaps most chilling is the 2014 Deagel forecast which predicted massive population reductions in many countries by 2025. It said the UK would lose 77% of its population, Ireland 72% and the United States 68%. Continental Western Europe would see lesser but still huge losses, as well as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and Japan. China, Russia and Iran would be unaffected, as would Mexico and most of Latin America, and the bulk of Africa and Asia. I don’t want to over-generalize; you can find the original country-by-country Deagel forecast here. The Deagel website’s owners have never been revealed.
I don’t wish to make too much of the Deagel forecast, which some dismiss as nonsense. However, the Deep State has undeniably been long obsessed with population reduction, and current world conditions (unexplained drones, mysterious fogs, attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, and the devastating Los Angeles fires) already make 2025 look forbidding.
Deagel didn’t specify if they anticipated that the population reduction would be gradual or sudden, but obviously at this point it would have to be sudden.
If we give the Deagel forecast the possibility of credence, what events could account for sudden massive depopulation, which seemed principally centered on white Western countries? I can think of several scenarios, though none seem to fit the Deagel breakdown perfectly.
● Perhaps the most obvious is nuclear war, with Russia, China and Iran emerging victorious over the United States and its NATO allies.
● Another possibility might be the outcome of the “perfect storm” of civil strife I previously described. The millions of young immigrants who have invaded America and Europe constitute a virtual army. They must have been brought in for a reason. Many may be “sleeper agents” waiting for a signal—to begin a war on American soil by attacking homes, government buildings, and infrastructure. Some may simply be seeking revenge on the West for bombing their homes in the Middle East. In this case, we would not be looking at nuclear war, but “conventional” war, if such a term could apply here. Even though many of these immigrants speak different languages, most have been equipped with free smartphones, by which AI could transmit instructions to each migrant in his native tongue. The sight of immigrants and white natives killing each other would undoubtedly bring smiles to the Zionists intent on fulfilling the essence of the Kalergi Plan.
● We must also consider the potential for a COVID-like “pandemic.” Like many in alternative media, I believe COVID-19 was not a naturally occurring virus, but an engineered bioweapon, designed to induce the public to accept injections with even deadlier bioweapons—the mRNA “vaccines.”
If we apply this situation to the Deagel forecast, it couldn’t be a genuine pandemic, because Deagel predicts massive depopulations in certain countries, while others are completely unaffected, which does not jive with the way infections globally spread. However, if it’s a pure bioweapon, this could be targeted by aerosol at selected countries. Recently, a social media post showed a drone spraying an unknown substance:
Indisputably, there are agricultural drones which spray pesticides, fertilizers, etc. But this drone was spraying an urban area. Perhaps there is an innocent explanation, perhaps not.
Given the massive spraying of chemtrails by airplanes (officially, allegedly done to distribute particles that will deflect sunlight in order to “reduce global warming”), it must be understood that anything—even bubonic plague—could be spread by chemtrails, the chemtrail pilots themselves having no clue as to what their cannisters really contain.
At this moment, the most likely “pandemic” candidate seems to be Bird Flu, which is being panic-hyped in the media in much the same way COVID was.
As of January 6, 2025, the first U.S. human death attributed to “Bird Flu” was reported:
The U.S. government has already planned to pay Moderna—producer of the deadly, worthless COVID mRNA “vaccine”—$176 million to develop a “Bird Flu vaccine.”
So, if the Deagel forecast is correct, it could mean death en masse from a targeted bioweapon, followed by a mandatory vaccine to “fix” the artificially generated disease.
● Several other possibilities might also explain the Deagel prediction:
—use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs), which, evidently, have already been tested in the Santa Rosa, California fires of 2017, the Paradise, California fires of 2018, Maui in 2023, the 2024 Chile “wild”fires, and probably the 2025 Los Angeles fires. So far, as has yet been observed, these “forest” fires usually did not burn surrounding trees (“forest”), but solely burned housing structures, a phenomenon ignored by mainstream media; this was proof that at least most of the fires weren’t natural. The picture below is from the Paradise fire.
—the use of geoengineered weather disasters, a warfare method discussed as long ago as 1970 by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book Between Two Ages, could deploy artificially generated hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, droughts, tsunamis, etc., to reduce human population levels.
—Then there is the recent “pager plot.” Israel’s Mossad admitted to 60 Minutes that they had deceptively sold to Hezbollah, through a front company, rigged pagers and walkie-talkies, which they then remotely detonated, inflicting dozens of deaths and thousands of injuries. This raises the question if many smartphones and other handheld devices, which the Western public routinely carry, may also be designed to eventually explode upon receiving a remote signal.
—While I can’t vouch for its accuracy, there has been discussion (e.g., here) in alternative media of a sudden 5G “pulse” causing massive death by interacting with the nanoparticles that have been found embedded in those vaccinated with mRNA technology.
Of course, it’s also possible that the Deep State has a “surprise” in store for us never seen before.
Then Again
It is likewise possible that the Deagel forecast is fake or just wrong, that the convergence of April dates is pure coincidence, and that Easter 2025 will take place normally, unmolested. Let us pray so.
In the meantime, I think it might be wise to “keep one’s powder dry,” as they say, both physically and spiritually. In practical terms, this may be a good time to be a “prepper” and to get oneself right with God, activities that are always prudent anyway.
- Alexander Fraser Tytler, Goodreads, quotes, https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/108530-a-democracy-cannot-exist-as-a-permanent-form-of-government?form=MG0AV3
- Thom Hartmann, What Would Jefferson Do? A Return to Democracy (New York: Three River Press, 2004), 44.