January 9, 2018.
Dear friends:
Selling my books has always been my “Truther” revenue source. Since starting this website in 2014, I have not asked for donations (nor run pop-up ads for external sellers). I am 70, am retired from my regular work, and am neither wealthy nor poor. In economies stripped by taxes, inflation, and outsourced jobs, I would never feel comfortable accepting donations from people who might be worse off financially than myself.
However, occasionally I have been approached by individuals who have inquired about supporting my work. To be sure, patronage could enhance my outreach by helping to cover operating costs, upgrading some of what I do, and freeing up more time for writing and podcast appearances.
I have therefore decided that it would be reasonable to set up a donations page. However, please bear in mind the following:
James Perloff
- Do not donate unless you are financially secure.
- I am not a charity; therefore donations are not tax-deductible.
- Donations are understood to be “no strings attached.” What I mean by that is, I cannot agree to make alterations to my work, or to cover particular topics in the future, in exchange for a donation. (However, I have always been open to suggestions, which people are free to make, independent of any donations, via this website’s contact page.)
- All payments are transacted through PayPal. You can choose an amount to contribute below. After you click one of the payment buttons, your contribution will be processed at PayPal, where you can easily and securely pay with your PayPal account, or a credit or debit card. Afterwards, you will be redirected to this website.