Category: Conspiracy

Should We Beware the Ides of April?

(Yes, April.) As a rule, I almost never make predictions. It seldom pays. It’s so much easier to be wrong about the future than right. However, a combination of factors—ongoing conditions, significant anniversaries, and past predictions—make me somber concerning this coming April, even though they only constitute circumstantial (indirect) evidence.

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“Hey, Hey, We’re the Beatles”

Guest Post by Patrick O’Carroll NOTE FROM JAMES PERLOFF—When I was a freshman at Colby College (1969-70), a friend in my dorm called me to his room. He had a lot of sound equipment. He played one of the Beatles’ albums backward. You could pretty distinctly hear a voice repeating

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Caught in the Act of Being Scripted

From 2003: Watch the prime ministers of the “sovereign” countries of Australia and Canada giving identical speeches advocating the war against Iraq: Watch as numerous mainstream TV news anchors—from different networks (Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC)—read identical remarks from their teleprompters. Ironically, their script says social media is endangering democracy with

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Conversations with an Airline Pilot about 9/11

Before reading this post, please see my 9/11 disclaimer. Since publishing “9/11 Simplified,” I’ve received emails from six pilots, none of whom accept the official 9/11 story. Two were scheduled to fly in Boeings on the morning of 9/11.

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9/11 Simplified

In this post, I address three major components of the 9/11 controversy: (1) what brought down the Twin Towers; (2) what initially struck the Towers; and (3) what happened to the original planes and passengers.

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