Guest on TradCatKnight. Topic: 13 Pieces of the Jigsaw.
I was Eric Gajewski’s guest on TradCatKnight. We discussed the content of my new book Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw. Archived for Eric’s subscribers.
I was Eric Gajewski’s guest on TradCatKnight. We discussed the content of my new book Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw. Archived for Eric’s subscribers.
I was Daniel Brigman’s guest live today on The Power Hour to discuss my new book Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw. Among the topics we went into: the reason there was a Golden Age of Television, Christian Zionism, vaccines, more. The show has been archived.
I had a great chat with John B. Wells on Caravan to Midnight about some of the topics in my newest book 13 Pieces of the Jigsaw, including the Spanish-American War, the Lusitania, the Hindenburg, Nagasaki, Hollywood, aliens, 5G, the Golden Age of Television, Syria, more. Archived for John’s subscribers.
I was Christopher Maider’s guest on The Meat and Potatoes Show. We discussed various topics, including censorship, modern mindsets, climate change, as well as my newest book Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw, and my upcoming public PowerPoint presentation “War and Deception.” I came on at 29:30. Archived.
I was Mark Anderson’s guest on Stop the Presses on the Republic Broadcasting Network. We discussed many features of the New World Order during the hour, including the CFR, Darwinism, population control, more. Archived.
I was Eric Gajewski’s guest on TradCatKnight. We discussed, chronologically, the history of deceptions that have led America into wars, from the sinking of the Maine through 9/11 and the Middle East Wars. Archived for Eric’s subscribers.
I am Jerry Barrett’s latest guest on Power of Prophecy. We discussed the Deep State oligarchy’s agenda of population reduction, and the many means by which this has been implemented, some of which may be surprising. Archived at
I was Eric Gajewski’s guest today on TradCatKnight. We discussed censorship of It’s a Wonderful Life, censorship of Alternative Media. Also, 5G and wireless dangers, and the Masonic origins of America. Archived for Eric’s subscribers.
I was Dr. Kevin Barrett’s live radio guest, to discuss my recent post on the suppression of It’s a Wonderful Life, and more on Hollywood. The broadcast will be archived for Kevin’s followers.
In 2002, during my brief fling with music, I composed 12 songs for my “politically incorrect” album Freedom Shall Return, produced at Jaime Bernard’s Stompmachine Studio in Salem, Mass., using seven different lead vocalists.
Seen on Gab
Seen on Gab
Seen on Gab
I’ll be the live guest of Penny L. A. Shepard and David Zublick on Awake Nation TV on Wednesday at 10 AM Eastern. Topic: the Lincoln assassination and my new book on it. Link to listen live
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