The Good Guys Take on the Bad Guys

Good guy vs bad guy

All clips are from YouTube, from which they are linked. My profound thanks to all YouTubers who found these and posted them.

Watch as the Federal Reserve’s own Inspector General can’t answer Representative Alan Grayson’s questions about Fed transactions amounting to trillions in unaccounted-for dollars:

Cynthia McKinney, a congresswoman of great integrity (which is perhaps why she’s no longer in the House) takes on Rumsfeld and Defense Department officials. (Note General Myers’ remark that the war games occurring on 9/11 “enhanced” the response to the attacks of that day; this seems disingenuous, given that the military failed to stop any of the attacks.)

Grayson confronts Bernanke. “It’s a coincidence!” Classic! I notice that the Fed guys get nervous when they encounter a congressman who really understands money and actually reads the reports.

Correspondent Ken Herman questions Bush on government-created “news” clips:

Grayson (is this guy good or what?) grills Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit on bailout:

Bereaved father Reg Keys shames Tony Blair over the fraudulent Iraq War:

Ron Paul gives Bernanke a lesson on inflation, using a silver dollar:

Student asks John Kerry about his membership in Skull & Bones, then gets tasered (good guys don’t always win, especially unempowered ones):

Grayson questions the Fed’s attorney on stock market manipulation:

Rand Paul makes a point about choices and freedom to Kathleen Hogan of the Department of Energy:

A classic moment from history. Congressman Lawrence McDonald, then the newly appointed head of the John Birch Society, takes on sarcastic questions from Tom Braden (CIA, CFR) about being a “conspiracy” theorist. This 1983 clip from Crossfire, co-hosted by Pat Buchanan, aired shortly before Dr. McDonald was lost on the ill-fated KAL Flight 007:

Grayson again! Questions AIG CEO Edward Liddy on $100 billion loss:

Ron Paul asks Bernanke if gold is money:

Monsanto lobbyist says glyphosate is safe to drink, then refuses to drink it:


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