In 2019, I became immersed in writing a book about 9/11. This was a major project requiring extensive research, interaction with experts in relevant disciplines, and, of course, writing. I had been frustrated by the fact that, after nearly two decades, aspects of the 9/11 crime have never been fully resolved—and I have certainly made errors myself in some of the posts I’ve written about 9/11. The book would comprise at least 25 chapters, making it the equivalent of at least 25 blog posts. This diversion of my time resulted in minimal posts appearing on this blog in 2019-20, as well as a reduction in radio and podcast appearances.
However, in 2020 an even more pressing distraction emerged—the COVID crisis, which is globally dragging the whole planet into the “New World Order” with speed that surpasses the aftermath of 9/11. So I embarked on a “diversion from the diversion”—interrupting the 9/11 book to write one on COVID, and—to borrow the White House’s vaccine phrasing—undertook it at warp speed. On August 20 the book was released; a description may be found here. For purchasing information see below.
UPDATE 10-15-20. After selling more than 3,500 copies for Amazon since publication on August 20, and receiving 50 customer ratings (92% five-star, 8% four-star) Amazon has banned my book COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled for “content violations.” This is despite scrupulous documentation with nearly 300 end-notes, quoting scholars and scientists from around the world. PURCHASING INFORMATION: Individual paperback orders can still be placed at Power of Prophecy; best to call them during normal business hours, weekdays 8-5 Central Time, 800-234-9673. The book is also now stocked by American Free Press 1-888-699-6397 or at this sales link. I also have contracted with a mainstream distributor, who is getting it back in bookstores, such as Booksamillion (Amazon had been the distributor), but shipping delays should be expected as the book returns to the system. I usually offer it myself only in bulk quantities (at discount rates). Also, see my post How to Get a Free PDF or E-Book Version of COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled.