Guest on Power of Prophecy

Starting July 26, I am Jerry Barrett’s weekly guest on the Power of Prophecy radio show. A pre-recorded interview about the Lincoln assassination.  Power of Prophecy will be stocking my new book Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination, so for folks who would prefer not to get the book from Amazon, you can buy it from Power of Prophecy, helping their Christian truth ministry.  Their website is and their phone numbers are 800-234-9673 and 512-263-9780.

Note: I am doing quite a few interviews in conjunction with the release of Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination. Although there are naturally variations from show to show, the basic facts relevant to the assassination remain the same, so anyone who watches/listens to several of these interviews will find a lot of redundancy. The information is usually new, however, to each podcast’s audience of followers.



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