James Perloff Interviews Hal Shurtleff, Director of Camp Constitution
An interview with Hal Shurtleff, co-founder of Camp Constitution and, from 2016, its full-time director. Hal is married with five children.
An interview with Hal Shurtleff, co-founder of Camp Constitution and, from 2016, its full-time director. Hal is married with five children.
In this interview, “H”, one of the kindest and most devoted Christians I have ever met, confirmed that Syrians are well informed about the New World Order. Indeed, Syrians know more about the realities of American geopolitics than most Americans do.
This post is intended to be viewer-friendly; it consists entirely of quote banners and short video clips; the clips, on average, are under 5 minutes, and none are as long as 15.
Weather modification is widely discussed in alternative media. Even mainstream media acknowledge that we’ve been seeding clouds to make it rain since the end of World War II, and that during the Vietnam War, the U.S. military seeded clouds to extend the monsoon season.
On June 25, 1950, Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s communist dictator, sent his troops to invade South Korea. American forces, fighting under UN authority, came to South Korea’s defense, in a bloody three-year war that ended in stalemate.
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My newest blog post is up, “Positive Changes Happening at The John Birch Society.”
Positive Changes Happening at The John Birch Society | James Perloff
I had wanted to write a blog post on the sudden fall of Syria, but since even my Syrian friends remain uncer...
On this date in 1913, just in time for the First World War, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, introducing more than a century of fiat money creation and the looting of the American people via inflation.
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