Guest on TradCatKnight. Topic: COVID.
I was Eric Gajewski’s guest on TradCatKnight guest to discuss the COVID19 situation and the response. Archived for Eric’s subscribers.
I was Eric Gajewski’s guest on TradCatKnight guest to discuss the COVID19 situation and the response. Archived for Eric’s subscribers.
I am the latest guest of the well-informed Michael Joseph on his Proud 2 Be Profane podcast. We discussed the New Word Order’s war on Christianity. Hour 1 focused mainly on the Rockefellers and Modernism; Hour 2 (for Michael’s subscribers) focused on Christian Zionism.
I am Ben the Baptist’s latest guest on his Sword of the Spirit podcast. We discussed coronavirus, 5G, world government, and touched on world government and Zionism. Although just uploaded, this was actually recorded on March 3.
I was John B. Wells’s guest on Ark Midnight. Discussion centered around topics in my books, including the new one I am working on about 9/11, although we didn’t get as deeply into 9/11 as I would have liked due to frequent commercials. Archived. I came in halfway through Hour 1, continuing into
I was Brizer’s live guest on the Graham Hart Show. Blizer is very red-pilled and hosts the show from Ireland. Topics included CFR, my books, the Hindenberg disaster, Zionism/Israel, Ireland, immigration, Coronavirus, more. Archive link: (Hit “download” and “open.”)
Jay Dyer and I were guests on Dean Arnold’s podcast—the first time he’s livestreamed it—to discuss Dean’s book Unknown Empire, about Ethiopia’s long Christian history, including its claim to hold the Ark of the Covenant.
I am Sean’s latest guest on SGT Report. We discussed the classic holiday film It’s a Wonderful Life, how and why it became suppressed on network television, as well as the reasons it was snubbed at the 1947 Oscars ceremony.
For the first time, I was the guest of the extremely well-informed Steven and Jana Ben-Nun on “Israeli News Live.” We discussed the war on Christianity, Modernism, Christian Zionism, 5G, the Luciferian New World Order, and more. The embedded video below should play even if it looks blank.
I was Tony Arterburn’s live guest on The Arterburn Radio Transmission. Topic: Pearl Harbor. We discussed how the attack was foreknown and provoked, and the setting up of the fleet in Pearl Harbor as bait. The video version of the podcast has been archived. Host Tony Arterburn can be found at and @tonyarterburn on
I am Jesse Russell’s latest guest on his Oikos Catholic podcast. We discussed the topics of 3 chapters in my newest book 13 Pieces of the Jigsaw, including “The Mystery of the Best Picture Oscar,” why there was a Golden Age of Television, and aliens/fallen angels/Nephilim. Video and audio a bit out of
Seen on Gab
Seen on Gab
My newest blog post is up, “Positive Changes Happening at The John Birch Society.”
Positive Changes Happening at The John Birch Society | James Perloff
I had wanted to write a blog post on the sudden fall of Syria, but since even my Syrian friends remain uncer...
On this date in 1913, just in time for the First World War, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, introducing more than a century of fiat money creation and the looting of the American people via inflation.
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