War and Deception
On April 27, 2019, I gave a public PowerPoint presentation called “War and Deception” at the Watertown, Massachusetts, Free Public Library. The event was Livestreamed by No Lies Radio.
On April 27, 2019, I gave a public PowerPoint presentation called “War and Deception” at the Watertown, Massachusetts, Free Public Library. The event was Livestreamed by No Lies Radio.
I am Tim Kelly’s latest guest on Our Interesting Times. We discussed the censorship of It’s a Wonderful Life in recent years, its Oscar snub in favor of The Best Years of Our Lives, and more on Hollywood’s role as a propaganda factory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xmi2XVufAEE
I was Sam Johnston’s latest guest on The Sharpening Report to discuss Darwin’s theory of evolution—why it was (and still is) part of the New World Order agenda, and the scientific evidence that discredits it.
My most-watched interview has probably been the “God Is Real” episode I did with Sean of SGT Report. It’s had over 2.5 million YouTube views since being posted on June 22, 2016.
On June 5, 2015, Free Mind Films, producer of A Noble Lie and State of Mind, released its newest documentary, ShadowRing, which I scripted.
This was done in July 2009 for a John Birch Society event. I had recovered from stage IV cancer earlier in the year, and was still a little thin. Thanks so much to Federal Expression for uploading this in August 2016.
Seen on Gab
Seen on Gab
My newest blog post is up, “Positive Changes Happening at The John Birch Society.”
Positive Changes Happening at The John Birch Society | James Perloff
I had wanted to write a blog post on the sudden fall of Syria, but since even my Syrian friends remain uncer...
On this date in 1913, just in time for the First World War, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, introducing more than a century of fiat money creation and the looting of the American people via inflation.
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